Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Reliable Woman

PHD lesson 2
1. Sing one hymn
2. Read Titus 2:3-5 Discuss purpose of study
3. Quote last months memory verse. Prov. 31:10
4.Learn new verse Prov. 31:11 11 "The heart of her husband safely trusts her; So he will have no lack of gain."
5. Devotion and talk about journaling prayers, Bible verses, things you are grateful for.
6. Decorate journal

Prov. 31:11 11 "The heart of her husband safely trusts her; So he will have no lack of gain."
Why does her husband trust her? What does it mean to be dependable?
Dependable- worthy of reliance or trust. One in which confidence is placed.
Faithful- Worthy of trust or belief; reliable.
Reliable-Capable of being relied on; dependable:
Trustworthy-Warranting trust; reliable.
Her husband trusts that she will be faithful to do all she is responsible for and that she will do him good not evil.

Prov. 25:13, 19
Eccl. 9:10
1 Cor. 4:2
Col 3:23
Eph 6:5-9
Col. 3:22-24
Matt. 225:14-30 The Parable of the Talents
Luke 16:10-12

What are your main responsibilities? Be obedient to your parents and honor them. School, chores and other personal responsibilities, helping with younger children, help with meal preparation. It is important that you develop good habits right now of someone who can be depended on to do your school work or other jobs right, with a good attitudes, in a timely manor and to do it thoroughly and cheerfully. If you are asked to do a chore or to do your school or to help with younger children or food preparation, can your mom count on you to do it carefully and thoroughly without her reminding you? When you wash the dishes do you make sure that they are clean? Do you sweep the dirt under the rug? Or in a dustpan and throw it out? Do you put away clean clothes neat in your drawers and dirty clothes in hamper or dirty clothes basket? Do you put away toys and books and games after using them? What people do you depend on and for what? What do people depend on you for? Are you trustworthy? Give examples. How would it affect you if the people you depended on did not faithfully perform their duties? How does it affect others when you can not be depended on to do your job? Who in your life can you count on because you know you can trust them? Do you know someone whom you can’t trust? How does that affect you?
Being dependable and faithful is an important quality to establish in your life now to build a solid foundation for the future. When you get older your mom may need to rely on you a lot more and your parents will need to be able to trust you when you are absent from your parents.
Example: The two girls I met and brought to bus station.
Read, The Character of Elsie Dinsmore p. 52-57

Assignment for the girls:
6 and up: Have your mom help you write down everything you have to do everyday. What can you do to be more reliable? List steps you can make to improve and put them into action. Practice faithfulness in your school work and chores. You might want to make a chart to check off what you do everyday. Thank someone everyday for something they did for you. Help younger siblings. Ask your mom what ways you can be more faithful and reliable.
10 and up: Write an essay about someone in the Bible, or a famous person who was an example of a dependable person.

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